At Play Learning Institute (APLI)

APLI positions Port Discovery as a critical multi-generational resource that will empower Maryland’s families, communities, and the early childhood workforce to apply playful learning strategies that inspire joy and discovery as young children grow and develop. This new initiative will leverage Port Discovery’s role as an accessible and welcoming community anchor, a play-based learning lab, and a teaching museum. 

APLI’s Vision: 

By providing caregivers, the early childhood workforce, and the research community with consistent and evidence-based opportunities to deepen their understanding and application of playful learning strategies, Port Discovery will measurably contribute to developmental milestones for young children and their families that are strong predictors of school readiness and positive lifelong outcomes. 

Why is APLI Important? 

There is a growing research base that demonstrates playful learning is an essential approach in enriching early care and learning experiences for young children. Here at Port Discovery, we know the power of play-based learning because we see it every day! APLI is a comprehensive initiative designed to support caregivers and communities, as well as scholars, researchers, and educators with actionable strategies that apply the science of playful learning to everyday parenting and professional practice.    

APLI is also designed to capture the momentum of our state’s current investment in high-quality early childhood programs. Driven by the Blueprint for Maryland’s Future, Maryland’s early childhood system is undergoing a transformational phase of growth and expansion. Port Discovery is uniquely positioned to support high-quality childcare and Pre-K by offering both experienced and emerging educators, as well as child care providers across a range of settings, opportunities to explore and apply innovative, play-based approaches to their daily practice. 

APLI is powered by partnerships! Interested in partnering with us? 

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The At Play Learning Institute includes 5 program models:

  • Community Partners At Play
  • Professionals At Play
  • Scholars At Play
  • Researchers At Play
  • At Play Symposium & Fellows

Community Partners At Play

Community Partners At Play: Engages and empowers caregivers through partnerships between Port Discovery & community-based programs that model playful learning in order to strengthen positive parenting practices and school readiness. 

Community Partners At Play has served partner organizations in over half of Maryland’s counties, including Maryland’s Judy Center Early Learning Hubs, the Center for Urban Families, Promise Heights, the Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore, and Urban Strategies, Inc.

Professionals At Play

Professionals At Play: Provides professional learning experiences that empower early childhood educators across a range of care and learning settings to apply a playful learning approach in their daily practice. 

To date, Professionals At Play has been piloted with Kennedy Krieger Early Childhood Development and Education Center, the Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore, and the University of Maryland Baltimore County’s Sherman Center Scholars home visiting program. Throughout 2025, Baltimore City Public Schools, Baltimore County Public Schools, Frederick County Public Schools, Judy Center Early Learning Hubs, Pre-K and Kindergarten educators, and community-based child care providers will participate in Professionals At Play training.

Scholars At Play

Scholars At Play: Grows Port Discovery’s partnerships with institutions of higher education to serve as a teaching museum for students across a range of degree tracks and a recruitment pathway into early childhood and family-serving professions.  

Scholars at Play currently partners with Towson University’s College of Education to provide internship opportunities at Port Discovery. 

Researchers At Play

Researchers At Play: Partners Port Discovery with institutions of higher education to serve as a learning lab for research teams that study the science of play and the application of play-based learning approaches. 

Researchers At Play currently partners with the University of Maryland, Baltimore County and Towson University. 

At Play Symposium & Fellows

At Play Symposium & Fellows: Establishes Port Discovery as a thought leader in the science of play through a speaker series and museum fellowship program. 

Current At Play Learning Institute Partners

As a children’s museum with a wide footprint throughout our state, Port Discovery is uniquely positioned to be able to offer parents and caregivers, as well as educators and other early childhood stakeholders, opportunities to explore experiential early learning environments and innovative ways to reflect the science of play in their practice and settings.”

Rachel Demma, VP of Learning & Community Impact at Port Discovery and Director of At Play Learning Institute

Port Discovery Children’s Museum Celebrates 25th Anniversary with Ambitious $17.5M Exhibition Master Plan and a Year of Engaging Events

At Play Learning Institute Sponsors