Shelby Hiken, M.Ed
At Play Learning Institute Assistant Director
Port Discovery Children's Museum
Shelby is a Montessori Teacher Educator and an Associate Director of the Center for Guided Montessori Studies. She loves reading, yoga, spinning, knitting and hiking with her dog Lucy. She’s not totally sure why, but Shelby’s career goal when she was little was to be a babysitter. Her favorite saying is “bananas!!!” (with the three exclamation points). Shelby would be a full glass of water if she were a water vessel because she’s always looking for the silver lining.
How Shelby can help you: In her role as Assistant Director, Shelby helps lead the programming for our At Play Learning Institute, leveraging her leadership and vision to enrich our educational initiatives.
- Email: shiken@portdiscovery.org
- Phone: 410-864-2692